Hortiki Knows: Plants Help Kids Grow!

Hortiki Plants kids garden kits provide PreK-12 STEM-based education through science, art, math, reading, puzzles, & games.

Hortiki's ecofriendly kits are non-toxic and safe for kids with USDA certified organic seeds and biodegradable materials.

Kids Garden Kits

Hortiki Plants Kids Organic Garden Kits

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Mud pies are magic!

Microbes in soil can improve kids' immune system response, reduce allergies, and even improve their mental health! Integrate nature and gardening into kids' play to keep them healthy and having fun.

Take it Outside!

Research shows that just 15-minutes playing on natural surfaces (instead of asphalt) can calm anxious minds, increase concentration and enhance children's creativity.

Plants for the Win!

Research shows that incorporating nature into teaching leads to higher student test scores across all subject areas including reading, writing, math, and science.

Conquer meal times!

Teaching nutrition alone doesn't always work. Research published by the California Department of Agriculture found that kids who had a gardening experience were willing to eat a greater variety of green vegetables, like zucchini and snow peas, than kids who were only taught about nutrition in the classroom.

Garden Time = Sharp Mind

According to research in the Journal of PediatricNursing, plants can improve kids memory, focus, and attentiveness. As kids engage with nature their health and overall cognitive development improves.

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